HIGHR Magazine

HIGHR Magazine contacted me to do an interview. We didn't really have a nice place to set up and the place set for the interview was cancelled. Called around some friends and found out about a barn that was set up as a speakeasy casino with a 30s theme. All the game tables were handcrafted by a neighbor and there was even a game they engineered with race horses that is a big hit. Here's a short video they did of our interview.



Look ma I made World Star Hip Hop and it's not a video of me getting knocked out!!!

Memorial Day!!!

Due to a misunderstanding with the current recreational cannabis laws, tomorrow's Vendor Day at Hashtag has been cancelled. Vendor Days will be legal after June 28th so stay tuned for events in the future because there will be a lot! Don't forget Leira cannagars will be available tomorrow at 4:20pm at the shops listed on my website in the profile. Make this Memorial Day weekend more memorable!